Live your full life.
Gentle treatment uniquely designed for your body and symptoms.
Improvement at the Source
Correct head-to-spine alignment activates the body’s natural healing process.
The NUCCA Advantage
This gentle technique addresses the cause of symptoms, including severe pain, discomfort and limited mobility.
What is NUCCA?
How and why NUCCA is so effective, explained by Dr. Abramson and several patients—in a 3-minute video.
Take 1-1/2 minutes to hear Drew’s story
Pain due to injury or a health condition often leads to life sacrifices.
Most patients experience significant symptom improvement in three visits or less. For people with chronic or severe health conditions, the course of treatment typically requires fewer visits than other modalities.
Gentle, barely noticeable adjustment.
This technique puts your body in position to maximize its healing abilities. Adjustments are tailored to your overall condition and the physical demands placed on you through your work and daily life.
Hear Rayna’s story in this 2-1/2 minute review of her care.
Watch Bob talk about his experience and reunite with friends on the golf course.
Gentle enough for all ages. Life changing results.
After an accident 40 years prior, Bob got relief from chronic pain and significantly reduced the amount of pain medications he takes.
Call for your first visit, a discussion with Dr. Abramson about what you’re dealing with and how expert application of the NUCCA Technique can help.