Archive for October 2022
Keep the Wrist Neutral When Using Power Tools
According to a recent study, using power tools with a non-neutral wrist position can increase pressure on the median nerve, elevating one’s risk for carpal tunnel syndrome. The findings highlight the importance of avoiding prolonged flexed and extended wrist postures when carrying out work and leisure activities. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, September…
Read MoreBack Pain Risk Factors in Kids
Interviews with 401 fifth grade students revealed that 182 experienced back pain within the previous three months. Further analysis show that the following are risk factors among students in this age group for developing back pain: watching television more than six hours a day; lifting heavy objects with poor posture; using a non-standard, two strap…
Read MorePosterior Shoulder Instability Management
Posterior shoulder instability is a shoulder injury that’s more common among young men who engaged in high-contact sports. A comprehensive review concluded that in most cases, patients with posterior shoulder instability should utilize non-surgical care options for at least six months before considering a surgical procedure. The review notes that care should concentrate on proprioceptive…
Read MoreNeck and Low Back Pain Are Common in Future Dentists
Among a group of 73 dental students whom researchers monitored during their time in dental school, 61.6% developed neck pain and 49.3% experienced low back pain. Interestingly, the risk for low back pain leveled off by their second year, while the risk for neck pain increased throughout their time in dental school. Past research has…
Read MoreAnkle Proprioception and Chronic Low Back Pain in the Elderly
Proprioception is the body’s ability to sense where its various parts are in relation to one another for purposes of movement and balance. Examinations of older adults with and without chronic low back pain revealed that those with chronic low back pain were more likely to have impaired ankle proprioception. The findings suggest a possible…
Read MoreMonthly Pain Update – October 2022
Taking Steps to Manage Chronic Low Back Pain Statistically, low back pain is a condition that will affect nearly 90% of people, and it’s both a leading cause of disability and the primary reason patients visit a chiropractor. In addition to manual therapies provided in the office (like spinal manipulation), chronic low back pain patients…
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