I suffered an injury to my back and neck from a horseback-riding incident in 1970 when I was 16 years old. At the time I could barely walk and was in a lot of pain. The examining doctor recommended surgery with the caveat that I could actually end up worse off! I passed on that and chose chiropractic treatment instead. I was able to get adequate relief for a number of years from the method used which involved forceful manipulation of all the vertebrae in the spine and neck.
Over time I came to dread the treatment as much as the pain I was in without treatment! I tensed up with each adjustment causing the muscles to resist resulting in a different, additional pain with each treatment becoming less and less effective. I got to the point where every day I would have to roll out of bed onto my hands and knees and remain that way for the first 30 minutes after waking. Very gradually, assisting myself with my arms, I was able to pull myself up to walk upright. I even bought a hospital bed! And I still couldn't sleep through the night without being awakened by pain. I suffered this way for a long, long time because the treatment was on some level just as debilitating and painful as the injury.
Then in 1992 I learned of NUCCA and have been treated by Dr Abramson ever since. It took a lot of back-to-back treatments to get where I am now. I can enjoy normal activities like bike riding, hiking, water skiing and even sleeping without being laid-up with back and neck pain! I'm on what we call maintenance, meaning I get a gentle adjustment every 3-4 months to keep me on track and out of pain.
I would never consider another option because in my mind there is no other option. I'm constantly amazed that something so gentle can be so effective! Thank you, Dr Abramson!
-KV of Kenmore, WA