Neural Mobilization for Managing Low Back and Radicular Pain?

For patients with low back and radicular pain, a systematic review that included eight studies found that neural mobilization—a form of treatment provided by doctors of chiropractic—may be an effective intervention for improving pain, function, and disability. Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy, February 2023 Frequent Use Antibiotics Associated with Greater Risk for IBD With…

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Back Pain Increases Frailty Risk in Older Women


Frailty is a condition characterized by weakness, slowness, physical inactivity, self-reported exhaustion, and unintentional weight loss that is associated with an increased risk for poor health outcomes. In a recent study, researchers observed that older women with low back pain were 2.83 times more likely to develop frailty over the following year, especially those with…

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The Sacroiliac Joints Are an Overlooked Pain Generator

lower back pain

In a recent literature review, researchers found disorders of the sacroiliac joints (which connect the sacrum and pelvis) may be a primary or contributing cause of 27% of back pain cases. Doctors of chiropractic are trained to assess the function of the sacroiliac joints when patients present with low back or pelvic pain and to…

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Manual Therapy Helps Patients with Hip Osteoarthritis


A systematic review that included ten studies concluded that long-axis distraction, mobilization, and thrust manipulation—treatments provided by doctors of chiropractic—are effective interventions for reducing pain and range of hip motion in patients with osteoarthritis of the hip. Journal of Manual and Manipulative Therapy, December 2022 Adverse Childhood Experiences Can Have Lifelong Effect on Mental Health…

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Weak Core and Lumbar Lordosis Linked to Low Back Pain Risk

Posture Exercises

Among a group of 27 collegiate dancers, researchers found that those with greater spinal curvature in the lower back (lumbar lordosis) and lower core muscle endurance were more likely to develop low back pain during a four-month time frame. Doctors of chiropractic commonly address abnormal posture and core muscle weakness when managing patients with low…

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Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Can Hinder Knee Osteoarthritis Treatment

knee xray

In this study, researchers observed that patients under treatment for osteoarthritis of the knee with co-occurring lumbar spinal stenosis experienced slower improvement with respect to knee pain than participants without a lumbar spine condition. The findings highlight the importance of examining the whole patient to identify issues outside the area of chief complaint that may…

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Treatment for Myofascial Trigger Points

A myofascial trigger point is a hyperirritable spot found in skeletal muscle that is associated with chronic pain conditions. A systematic review that included 37 studies concluded that manual therapies—such as those provided by doctors of chiropractic—are an effective intervention for reducing pain and pain sensitivity in patients with myofascial trigger points. Clinical Journal of…

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Managing Non-Specific Chronic Neck Pain

migraine neck

A systematic review and meta-analysis of data from 119 studies concluded that a combination of active and/or passive non-pharmacological interventions—such as those provided by a doctor of chiropractic—is an effective approach for the management of non-specific chronic neck pain. Journal of Physical Therapy, October 2022 Why Children May Learn Quicker Than Grownups Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)…

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Neck Pain Common After Sports Collisions

sports collision

A recent study found that a third of high school athletes who experience a sport-related collision report acute neck pain, and these individuals tend to experience more concussion-related symptoms. The authors conclude that concussed athletes with neck pain should be screened for injury to the neck. Doctors of chiropractic are trained to assess patients with…

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Managing Low Back Pain

Lower Back Pain

According to a study the included 32 patients with low back pain, a treatment plan that includes stabilization exercises, patient education, and manual therapies—an approach commonly used by doctors of chiropractic—is effective for improving range of motion in lumbar spine and reducing low back-related pain, pain sensitivity, and disability. Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation,…

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