Weekly Updates
The Effect of Low Back Pain on the Hips and Lower Extremities
A systematic review that included 54 studies found that individuals with non-specific low back pain often exhibit significant reductions in hip range of motion, particularly in internal rotation; weakness in the hip abductor and extensor muscles; and greater involvement of the hamstrings and gluteus maximus during functional activities. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, May 2024 Short Sleep…
Read MoreBenefits of Manual Therapies in Managing Lumbar Disk Herniation
While studies on the effect of manual therapies for musculoskeletal conditions typically focus on outcomes related to pain, disability, or function, a recent study that included 32 lumbar disk herniation patients noted manual therapies may also provide benefits with respect to reduced catastrophizing, kinesiophobia, anxiety, and depression, and increased quality of life. International Journal of…
Read MoreOne-in-Five Children and Adolescents Have Chronic Pain
A meta-analysis of data concerning more than 1 million kids and teens from across 70 countries revealed that approximately 20% suffer from persistent or recurring pain lasting longer than three months, most often linked to musculoskeletal conditions, like back pain. Pain, October 2024 Asthma and Type 2 Diabetes May Be Linked According to a recent…
Read MoreMusculoskeletal Mimics of Lumbosacral Radiculopathy
If a patient experiences pain that radiates into the leg, there are a number of potential causes beyond a disk herniation at the L5 of S1 level. Mimics of lumbosacral radiculopathy include piriformis syndrome, exertional compartment syndrome, and plantar fasciitis. Healthcare providers, including doctors of chiropractic, are trained in differential diagnosis to distinguish a particular…
Read MoreBack Pain Has Less Impact on People Who Exercise
Among a group of 991 low back pain patients, researchers observed that those who engaged in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity a week—in line with current fitness guidelines—had less intense pain and a lower risk for activity limitations. European Spine Journal, May 2024 Obesity Raises Infection Risk New research suggests that for…
Read MoreImproving Scapular Function May Help Relieve Neck Pain
A recent systematic review and meta-analysis that included eight studies found that scapular dysfunction is often present in patients with chronic neck pain and incorporating therapies to restore normal movement of the shoulder blades may result in greater improvements with respect to the patient’s neck pain. The findings demonstrate the importance of assessing the whole…
Read MoreNeck Pain is Common in Military Personnel
A systematic review that included 16 studies found that neck pain is extremely common among members of the armed services with more than 80% experiencing an episode each year. Further analysis revealed the following risk factors for neck pain in military personnel: poor neck mobility, shoulder pain, low back pain, piloting or crewing aircraft, and…
Read MoreMost Professional Drivers Have Low Back Pain
A meta-analysis of data from 53 studies found that 55.3% of professional drivers experienced at least one episode of low back pain during the previous year, while 33.8% had back pain within the previous month. Public Health, June 2024 Long-Term Night Shift Work Raises Breast Cancer Risk An analysis of data from eleven case-controlled studies…
Read MoreTrigger Point Therapy Helps Relieve Shoulder Pain
For patients with active trigger points—hyperirritable spots found in skeletal muscle—in one or more muscles attached to the shoulder joints, a recent systematic review that included ten studies found that trigger point therapy is an effective treatment option, especially when used in conjunction with other conservative therapies provided by doctors of chiropractic. Disability and Rehabilitation, August 2024
Read MoreLower Extremity Muscle Tightness and Chronic Low Back Pain
Examinations of 52 patients with non-specific low back pain revealed those with tighter leg muscles, especially when coupled with greater variation in muscle tightness between the dominant and non-dominant sides, were more likely to report higher levels of pain intensity and disability in their lower back. The finding demonstrates the importance of examining the patient…
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