Weekly Updates
Rotator Cuff Injury?
A systematic review and meta-analysis of data from 24 studies concluded that the combination of manual therapy and specific exercises can improve pain and function in patients with a rotator cuff injury. Doctors of chiropractic often employ manual therapies and exercises as part of a multimodal approach to address musculoskeletal disorders, including shoulder injuries. Biomed…
Read MoreManual Therapy vs. Oral Pain Medications for Neck Pain
A systematic review and metaanalysis that included nine clinical trials found that manual therapy interventions are likely more effective than oral pain medications for managing neck pain in both the short- and long-term, with a lower risk for adverse events. Doctors of chiropractic are well-versed in the application of several manual therapies for addressing neck…
Read MoreManaging Tennis Elbow
For patients with lateral elbow tendinopathy, more commonly known as tennis elbow, a recent study found that a multimodal approach that included addressing trigger points in the forearm muscles, extremity manipulation, cervical spinal manipulation, and physiotherapy resulted in better outcomes with respect to elbow pain, pain intensity, function, and disability than physiotherapy alone. Such a…
Read MorePersistent Pain Following Endometriosis Surgery?
For women with persistent myofascial and pelvic pain following surgical treatment for endometriosis, a recent study found that manual therapies—such as those provided by doctors of chiropractic—may be an effective intervention for addressing such symptoms. Minerva Obstetrics and Gynecology, November 2023 Accelerated Aging Raises Risk for Some Cancers Using data from the UK Biobank study,…
Read MoreChiropractic Helps Radicular Low Back Pain Patients Avoid Opioids
Among a group of more than 2,300 patients with new-onset radicular low back pain, those who initially sought treatment from a doctor of chiropractic were 68% less likely to receive a subsequent prescription for tramadol, a less potent opioid, in the following year than patients who first received usual medical care. BMJ Open, May 2024…
Read MoreTreating Frozen Shoulder
Adhesive capsulitis, also known as frozen shoulder, is described as a painful restriction of the shoulder’s range of motion. Among a group of 20 adhesive capsulitis patients, those who received a multimodal treatment plan that included specific exercises, heat therapy, and manual therapies—an approach that patients may encounter in a chiropractic setting—reported significant improvements with…
Read MoreManual Therapy’s Impact on Ankle Dorsiflexion
For individuals with reduced ankle dorsiflexion following a lower limb injury, a recent study found that ankle joint mobilization and calf muscle massage are effective interventions for improving ankle range of motion. Doctors of chiropractic are trained in the use of these and other therapies in the management of musculoskeletal disorders of the extremities, including…
Read MoreChiropractic Care for Trigeminal Neuralgia
This case study involved a 55-year-old female with trigeminal neuralgia that failed to respond to conventional treatment. A chiropractic examination revealed joint dysfunction at several levels of the cervical and thoracic spine, as well as trigger points in the trapezius and levator scapulae muscles. The patient underwent a multimodal treatment plan that included spinal manipulative…
Read MoreConservative Treatment for Tennis Elbow
For patients with lateral elbow tendinopathy, a systematic review that included twelve studies found that a conservative treatment plan that includes manual therapy, electrotherapy, and exercise may provide greater long-term benefits and a lower risk of recurrence than corticosteroid injections. Doctors of chiropractic often manage patients with tennis elbow using such a multimodal approach. Shoulder…
Read MoreTreatment for Mechanical Neck Pain
Mechanical neck pain is a term used to describe neck pain that results from the application of stress or strain on the anatomical structures of the neck. A recent study that included 78 mechanical neck pain patients found that a treatment plan that included a combination of manual therapies and therapeutic exercises—an approach commonly used…
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