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Two Manual Therapies That May Benefit Patients with Knee Pain
When trigger points affect the function of the gluteus medius muscle, it can lead to altered gait, reduced hip stability, misalignment of the patella, and increased force on the knee, all of which can contribute to patellofemoral pain syndrome. A recent study found that for patients with patellofemoral pain syndrome associated with gluteus medius trigger…
Read MoreScapula Stabilization Exercises Benefit Chronic Neck Pain Patients
A systematic review that included five clinical trials found that including scapular stabilization exercises in a treatment plan for chronic neck pain resulted in better outcomes with respect to pain. The finding demonstrates how issues in one area of the body can lead to problems elsewhere, thus the importance of the chiropractic practice of examining…
Read MoreNeck Pain Is a Worldwide Problem
In 2020, more than 203 million people worldwide experienced at least one episode of neck pain. Due to a variety of factors, including the aging of the world population, experts estimate that cases of neck pain will increase by 32.5% by 2050, affecting nearly 270 million people. The Lancet Rheumatology, March 2024 Symptoms Linked to…
Read MoreNeck Pain Affects Walking Ability
Examinations of 14 older adults with chronic neck pain and 36 seniors without neck pain revealed that when walking with head movement, chronic neck pain is associated with a slower, more laborious, and asymmetrical gait. The authors of the study speculate this alteration in walking ability may be the result of structural instability and proprioception…
Read MoreExcess Weight Increases Low Back Pain Risk in Youth Population
A meta-analysis that included 34 studies concluded that obesity is a risk factor for low back pain in children and adolescents. In particular, the research team found that obese kids and teens have a 27% elevated risk for low back pain. International Journal of Obesity (London), January 2024 Short Sleepers at Risk for Type 2…
Read MoreSee a Chiropractor First for Spine Pain
A systematic review that included 44 studies concluded that patients who initially consult with a doctor of chiropractic for spinal conditions are less likely to subsequently receive an opioid prescription or injection, undergo surgery, be hospitalized, visit the emergency room, or be referred to a specialist—all of which results in reduced healthcare expenditures overall. Chiropractic…
Read MoreNeural Mobilization for Neck and Back Pain
A systematic review and metanalysis of data from 39 clinical trials found that neural mobilization is an effective treatment for improving pain and disability in patients with either neck pain or back pain. Doctors of chiropractic frequently use mobilization as part of a multimodal approach for managing musculoskeletal disorders, including neck and back pain. Clinical…
Read MoreSmoking and Back Pain
Using data from the UK Biobank study, researchers report that smoking is a risk factor for low back pain. On the other hand, quitting smoking can reduce one’s risk for low back pain over time. Journal of Global Health, November 2023 Detergent Pod Poisoning Still a Threat for Kids Despite the adoption of voluntary industry…
Read MorePosture, Disability, and Chronic Low Back Pain
Among a group of 435 chronic low back pain patients, researchers observed an association between abnormal sagittal (from the side) posture and greater low back pain-related disability. Doctors of chiropractic often address postural faults in the management of chronic low back pain and other musculoskeletal disorders. Spine Journal, November 2023 Global Burden of Smoking on…
Read MoreCommuting Time and Low Back Pain
Using data from the Korean Working Conditions Survey, researchers found that workers whose typical commute exceeds 40 minutes are at elevated risk for low back pain. However, among those who regularly exercise or participate in sports, the risk for low back pain did not increase until the one-hour commute threshold. Industrial Health, November 2023 Shoveling…
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