Chronic Neck Pain and Forward Head Posture


A systematic review that included 16 studies found that corrective postural exercises and manual therapies are effective interventions for improving pain and disability in patients with chronic neck pain associated with forward head posture. Doctors of chiropractic often use a combination of manual therapies and specific exercises when managing patients with chronic neck pain. HealthCare…

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Treatment for Cervical Radiculopathy

A systematic review that included eight studies concluded that neural mobilization is an effective treatment option for mobility, pain, disability, and functional activity in patients with cervical radiculopathy. Doctors of chiropractic frequently use neural mobilization as part of a multimodal approach when managing cervical radiculopathy cases. Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, September 2023 One-in-Ten…

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The Importance of Proper Diagnosis and Treatment

This case study described a patient with anteromedial leg pain that had been diagnosed as shin splints for ten years. Following a review of the patient’s history and chiropractic examination focused on anatomy, biomechanics, and the peripheral nervous system, the patient received a diagnosis of dynamic stenosis of the left L4-5 intervertebral foramen leading to…

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Non-Invasive Interventions for Myofascial Pain Syndrome

Myofascial Pain Syndrome

Myofascial pain syndrome is a chronic condition characterized by pain and tenderness in specific areas of muscles and the connective tissue surrounding muscles. A systematic review that included 40 studies found that manual therapy, laser therapy, shock wave therapy, and ultrasound therapy are effective, non-invasive treatment options for reducing pain intensity, pressure pain threshold, and…

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Hamstring Tightness Linked to Neck and Low Back Pain


Examinations of 104 adults under 40 years of age revealed that nearly three-quarters of those with either chronic neck or low back pain reported tight hamstrings in one or both legs. The authors note that hamstring tightness can affect the biomechanics of the spine, increasing the risk for disorders such as low back pain and…

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Nearly a Third of Adults Have Shoulder Pain


Among a group of 1,128 middle-aged adults, 31.4% reported experiencing shoulder pain within the previous month. Further analysis revealed that those whose work activities included physical or heavy manual labor were 66% more likely to have shoulder pain. Doctors of chiropractic frequently treat patients with shoulder pain using a multimodal approach that combines manual therapies…

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Treatment for Kneecap Pain

Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

Among a group of 25 people with patellofemoral pain syndrome, those treated with soft tissue mobilization twice a week for four weeks experienced improvements in knee pain and function that persisted after the conclusion of care. Doctors of chiropractic are trained in a variety of manual therapy techniques, including soft tissue mobilization, in the management…

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Manipulative Treatment for Pregnancy-Related Lumbopelvic Pain


Among a group of 46 women with lumbopelvic pain in the third trimester of pregnancy, those treated with manipulative therapies—such as those provided by doctors of chiropractic—reported significant improvements in low back and pelvic pain intensity, as well as their overall quality of life. Healthcare, September 2023 Eczema Can Take a Big Toll on Mental…

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Is Poor Knee Balance Linked to Low Back Pain?

Assessments of 49 women, 25 with chronic non-specific low back pain, revealed an association between abnormal knee joint proprioception and chronic non-specific low back pain. The findings demonstrate how abnormal biomechanics in one area of the body may contribute to musculoskeletal disorders in adjacent areas. Journal of Bodyworks and Movement Therapies, July 2023 Steroids Linked…

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