Neck and Back Pain Common in College Students


Questionnaires completed by 289 university students revealed that about two thirds experienced either neck or low back pain in the previous year with close to half having either condition in the previous week. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, June 2023 Is Pediatric Brain Injury Linked to Epilepsy? Among a group of nearly 72,000 children treated for traumatic…

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Choose Chiropractic First for Neck Pain


According to a recent study, patients who first visit a doctor of chiropractic for new-onset neck pain are less likely to undergo costly advanced imaging services and invasive treatments in the following six months than those initially treated by a medical physician. Spine, October 2023 Curling Irons Can Pose a Hazard for Kids Between 2013…

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Fascia Tightness and Neck Pain

migraine neck

Tightness of the fascial tissues in the neck often contribute to neck pain and disability. In a recent study that included 52 chronic neck pain patients with fascial tightness, researchers found that manual therapies to address adhesions in fascial tissue—such as those provided by doctors of chiropractic—led to improvements in both neck pain and range…

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Pregnancy-Related Lumbopelvic Pain Is Underreported

Among a group of 538 women with pregnancy-related lumbopelvic pain, only 43% reported their pain and discomfort to their healthcare provider and only about 1 in 5 of these expectant mothers received any form of treatment. Doctors of chiropractic often address pregnancy-related and postpartum lumbopelvic pain with manual therapies, nutritional recommendations, and specific exercise instruction.…

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Chronic Low Back Pain Can Affect Balance


A systematic review that included 16 studies found that patients with chronic low back pain experience greater postural sway while standing, suggesting that chronic low back pain affects balance. Doctors of chiropractic commonly assess balance in patients with chronic low back pain and can recommend specific exercises to address these deficits. Scientific Reports, May 2023…

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Mid-Back Mobilization Helps with Low Back Pain


Among a group of 24 low back pain patients, researchers observed that the application of mobilization therapy—a form of treatment utilized by doctors of chiropractic—to the thoracic spine led to improvements in both lower back pain and range of motion. Progress in Rehabilitation Medicine, July 2023 Finances Decline in Years Before Dementia Diagnosis A recent…

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Moving More Cuts Back Pain Risk

Posture Exercises

An analysis of data concerning 3,385 middle-aged adults found that for each additional 1,000 steps an individual averages per day, their odds for non-specific low back pain fall by 4%. Scientific Reports, May 2023. Dental Issues Extremely Common Among Nursing Home Residents According to a recent study that looked at data concerning 2.3 million nursing…

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Neck Pain Linked to Worse Migraines

jaw pain

According to a recent study, migraineurs with cooccurring neck pain are more likely to report that their headaches have a greater effect on their ability to carry out their daily activities. Past research has shown that addressing neck disorders in migraine patients—with chiropractic care, for example—can reduce the frequency, intensity, and duration of migraines. Journal…

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Stressful Events and Low Back Pain

lower back pain

An analysis of data concerning 2,930 older men in the Osteoporotic Fracture in Men Study revealed that 57% had experienced a stressful life event—such as the loss of a pet or partner or financial problems—within the previous year. These individuals were 42% more likely to have present low back pain and 56% more likely to…

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