Dr. Chad Abramson, D.C.
Upper Cervical Chiropractor
Family Focus
Dr. Abramson established Abramson Family Chiropractic to help people of all ages—including the most vulnerable and frail—live a full life.
He applies his primary care training to diagnose and treat each patient.
Through a system of measurements along with open discussion about any and all things that might factor into your health recovery, Dr. Abramson determines the specific upper neck adjustment that will address your unique condition.
This approach results in highly specific and efficient treatment of conditions for which people seek chiropractic and other forms of care.
Dr. Abramson works with you to alleviate pain and put your body on a fast path to healing.
Adjustment is so gentle that patients sometimes don’t feel it at all. As a proactive health measure, he performed adjustments on each of his four newborn children. He has successfully treated women during pregnancy, severely injured people and patients well into their 90s.
Don’t be surprised if he asks you to tell him a joke (clean only, of course)!

Early Practice Led to NUCCA
Dr. Abramson earned his Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) degree, Magna Cum Laude, from Life Chiropractic College West in 1992, three years after receiving a Bachelor of Science degree in Biochemistry. The DC degree confers Dr. Abramson with primary care doctor status based on rigorous training in the body’s physical systems, analogous to a medical doctor’s coursework.
While an intern Dr. Abramson was introduced to the NUCCA Technique, named for the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association. No matter what the presenting condition, patients he treated using NUCCA got better results in less time.
Dr. Abramson pursued NUCCA training and it is the only treatment approach he uses at Abramson Family Chiropractic.