Posts Tagged ‘neck pain’
Neck and Back Pain Common in College Students
Questionnaires completed by 289 university students revealed that about two thirds experienced either neck or low back pain in the previous year with close to half having either condition in the previous week. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, June 2023 Is Pediatric Brain Injury Linked to Epilepsy? Among a group of nearly 72,000 children treated for traumatic…
Read MoreChoose Chiropractic First for Neck Pain
According to a recent study, patients who first visit a doctor of chiropractic for new-onset neck pain are less likely to undergo costly advanced imaging services and invasive treatments in the following six months than those initially treated by a medical physician. Spine, October 2023 Curling Irons Can Pose a Hazard for Kids Between 2013…
Read MoreFascia Tightness and Neck Pain
Tightness of the fascial tissues in the neck often contribute to neck pain and disability. In a recent study that included 52 chronic neck pain patients with fascial tightness, researchers found that manual therapies to address adhesions in fascial tissue—such as those provided by doctors of chiropractic—led to improvements in both neck pain and range…
Read MoreMonthly Pain Update – December 2023
Chiropractic Treatment for Lumbar Disk Herniation The annulus of the intervertebral disk is comprised of tough, dense, and strong cartilaginous fibers that protect the nucleus within, which facilitates the movement of the spine. If the structure of the annulus is compromised, the nucleus can leak into or beyond the annulus, a condition that may be…
Read MoreMonthly Pain Update – November 2023
Posture and Neck Pain in the Younger Population After low back pain, neck pain is the most common reason for a visit to a chiropractic office. There are many risk factors for neck pain including postural faults in the neck and upper torso. Let’s look at how common poor posture is among youths and what…
Read MoreNeck Pain and Range of Motion Improved with Manual Scapular Repositioning
Among a group of 69 patients with both neck pain and scapular dyskinesis, researchers observed that correcting scapular position resulted in both improvements in neck pain and cervical range of motion. The findings demonstrate how dysfunction in one area can contribute to or even cause pain and disability in an adjacent region. Journal of Bodywork…
Read MoreNeck Pain Linked to Worse Migraines
According to a recent study, migraineurs with cooccurring neck pain are more likely to report that their headaches have a greater effect on their ability to carry out their daily activities. Past research has shown that addressing neck disorders in migraine patients—with chiropractic care, for example—can reduce the frequency, intensity, and duration of migraines. Journal…
Read MorePoor Mid-Back Posture Linked to Neck Pain
Examinations of 148 adults, half with neck pain, revealed an association between higher thoracic kyphosis (rounding of the mid back) and neck pain. Doctors of chiropractic routinely assess posture and employ passive and active strategies for addressing postural faults that may contribute to the patient’s chief complaint. Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, April 2023…
Read MoreMigraines and Neck Pain
Questionnaires completed by 295 migraine headache patients revealed that 51.9% experience neck pain, which is associated with increased headache frequency. Past research has shown that using chiropractic care to address musculoskeletal disorders of the neck can reduce the frequency, intensity, and duration of many forms of headache, including migraines. Journal of Clinical Medicine, June 2023…
Read MoreWhole-Body Vibration and Neck Pain
According to a recent study that included 805 working age adults found that exposure to whole-body vibration for more than 50% of a workday is associated with an increased risk for neck pain in men, but not women. The finding adds to a growing body of research linking occupational exposure to whole-body vibration and musculoskeletal…
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